
Binnenkort Workshop Flower Basics; English edition

How do you enjoy your flowers longer? Why cut off with a kniff? And learn to arrange a beautiful bouquet in your own most difficult vase.

How do you enjoy your flowers longer? Why cut off with a kniff? And learn to arrange a beautiful bouquet in your own most difficult vase.

The name of this interactive workshop says it all: the basis of flower arranging for home. Different types of styling, combinations and color schemes are demonstrated. Then you make a combination of flowers in a vase from home. So you also go home with a beautiful bouquet!

Dennis takes you to the flower cellar, the flower “Kitchen” under the store in Amsterdam. You can choose from a wide range of flowers to make your flower arrangements. Ask a lot of questions about the myths and the right techniques.

  • Spring bouquets
     7 februari 2025
     20:00 - 22:00
Helaas, de kaartverkoop voor deze voorstelling is gestopt.


Telefoon locatie 020 683 50 38

Locatie website:

Bilderdijkstraat 196 h, 1053 LE, Amsterdam


Dennis is de eigenaar van Mooi Anders Bloemen. Ooit is hij zijn bedrijf begonnen met workshops geven en daarom blijven deze workshops ook een belangrijk onderdeel van Mooi Anders.